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what's next?

Volunteers love showing their support for helping others and giving back
The Whiyou logo offering a feeling that the world is connected. It resides in a silver circle and some say they see lungs

The WHY in Whiyou is to find ways to improve the lives of many, because they deserve it, and in as many different ways as we can find. The larger we are, the more of an impact we can make, whilst never losing sight of our GIVE BACK mindset. No matter what service we offer; Part of the profits go to a charity, part goes into expanding services, helping those who need it, and supporting communities

Shopping Spree
fashion & Apparel

Superb feel-good products,

hand-chosen by those who care about important causes, affordability, and always keeping 'people-first' in mind!


A part of our profit per purchase is giving extra back to those that need it with a charity partner always benefiting! You choose which one it goes to.


If your purchase has come from a high-street retailer? You have helped keep them running! 

The Whiyou logo offering a feeling that the world is connected. It resides in a silver circle and some say they see lungs

where do we want
to go...

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